Are the Downtown Cape Girardeau Flood Gates Open or Closed?
While I can’t give you a direct answer that will update automatically, I am going to share with you some resources on how to figure that out without having to take the time to visit Riverfront Park yourself.
Follow along with my little guide and you’ll soon discover whether it’s a good time to visit the Downtown Cape Riverfront.
KFVS 12 SkyCam
Perhaps the easiest and quickest was to see if the flood gates are open is to check the KFVS 12 Downtown Cape Girardeau WeatherCam. If the camera is angled down Broadway, you’ll quickly be able to see if the flood gate is open or closed.
If the gate is closed, you can be sure that the Themis gate is also closed, however, if the Broadway gate is open, the Themis gate may or may not be open. To determine that, or if the SkyCam is not angled where you can see the flood gate, check out the next section.
National Weather Service
Head to the National Weather Service website and check if there is an active Flood Warning for Cape Girardeau. (Check the image below to see the big blocks of red and Flood Warning text to see what it would look like.)
If there is a flood warning, look for the Hazardous Weather Conditions section towards the top.
Click on the link to access the most recent Flood Warning Statement.
The statement will give you detailed information as to whether the river is rising or falling, has crested or when it’s forecasted to crest, and the current level of the river during a flood warning.
Flood stage for the Mississippi River at Cape Girardeau, MO is 32.0 feet
At 35.5 feet, Public Works closes the Themis flood gate, and the Broadway flood gate can stay open up to around 37.8 feet according to the City of Cape Girardeau website.
Hopefully this helps you out. If you know of any other resources, leave a comment below. Otherwise, I hope to see you down by the river!